
Within the school we teach the following Tai Chi forms:

Short Form: This form was modified by Dr Chi Chiang-Tao and re-inserts postures and repetitions that Prof. Cheng Man-Ching withdrew from the Yang Chang-Fu’s Yang Style short form. It takes about 12-15 minutes to complete. It is the first and basic form that we teach in the school to beginners, and is later repeated but with refined emphasis on the internal aspect of Tai Chi. This usually takes a year to learn at a regular pace.

Long Form: This is the more traditional Yang style form (before the abridged “Short form” which is the most popularly taught form in schools). It is longer and it re-emphasises the more internal aspect of what has already been learnt in the short form.

Sword Form: This form is an elegant and traditionally spirited form using a “Luong Chuan” or Straight Sword. It is characterised by both the slow and broad movements seen in both the previous forms as well as more spirited and dynamic moves. As the habit for good Tai Chi principles has already been developed to a degree with other forms of holistic body movement, this form expands upon this in manipulating the movement of the sword to unify with the body movements. It is said that when done correctly both the sword and the body become unified, and the sword is felt as an extension of the body.

San Sou (Two-person form): This, less commonly taught form, comes from the Yang family Tai Chi and develops the understanding of martial applications from a two-person entwined. Both partners stay connected to each other whilst yielding and executing applications in this linked up form. Although it is sometimes seen as a slowed down example of fighting it is better understood as form which emphasizes concentration, sensitivity and developed co-ordination.

Qi-gong: Many stand alone exercises are also taught in the school for health (physical and mental), concentration, and sensitivity and even for spirit. Qi gong is a tradition within internal disciplines can be learnt much quicker as they are often unique and short, repetitive exercises. This means specific health exercises and habits can be embarked upon relatively quickly before learning a whole form, and Qi-Gong exercises still retain all the benefits of learning a form. These are usually taught during a form class and maybe used for specific benefits.

Tui Shou (Push Hands): This is a set of partner routines or drills which help develop an individual’s sensitivity to a partner in a manner which helps put the principles of Tai Chi martial art into an evolving framework. It is not like the forms yet it contains all the principles of body movement used within them. It develops body awareness and refines the faculties of perception. It is always said that Push hands improves ones form and vice versa. Push hands classes are not offered initially to beginners but usually is available once a student has completed the short form internally.

Within Push Hands we also teach Da Lu or “Long Roll-Back” forms which are almost like the San Sou (partnered forms) although relatively short–maybe 5-7 postures long–and can be continuously repeated as they are quick to learn.