List of Sword Form Postures

Posted October 15th, 2011 in News, Sword Form by Chris Hill

1. Attention

2.Three rings around the Moon

3. Big Dipper

4. Swallow touches the Water

5. Right and Left Intercept and Sweep

6. Little Dipper

7. Swallow Enters the Nest

8. Clever Cat catches the Rat

9. Phoenix Raises Head

10. Wasp Enters the Cave

11. Pheonix Spreads Wings

12. Little Dipper

13. Waiting for Fish

14. Push side Grass and find the Snake

15. Birds Flying to Forest to Roost

16. Black Dragon Swings Tail

17. Green Dragon on Waters Surface

18. Wind Rolls up the Lotus Leaf

19. Lion Shaking Head

20. Wild Horse leaping the Stream

21. Turn around to reign in the Horse

22. Chinese Compass

23. Facing Wind to Dust

24. Drifting with the Current

25. Shooting Star follows the Moon

26. Heaavenly Horse Gallops the Sky

27. Lift the Curtain

28. Sword Wheeling Left and Right

29. Swallow Holding Clay in the Mouth

30. Fabulous Bird Spreads Wings

31. Salvage the Moon from Sea Bottom

32. Carry the Moon in the Bosom

33.Night Demon Measures depth of the Sea

34. Rhino watches the Moon

35. Shoot the Wild Geese

36. Green Dragon bares its Claws

37. Pheonix Spreads Wings

38. Intercept Left and Right

39. Shoot the Wild Geese

40. White Monkey offers Fruit

41. Blossoms Fall Left and Right

42. Fair Lady Weaves the Shuttle

43. White Tiger Cocks his Tail

44. Carp bounds on the Dragon’s Gate

45. Black Dragon Entangles the Pillar

46. Celestial Being points the way

47. Incense offered to Heaven

48. Whirlwind blows the Plum Blossom

49. Ivory Tablet offered with both Hands

50 .Sword returns to it’s infinite end

51. Attention




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